Risks in the stock market

risks in the stock market

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” Warren Buffet Taking risks in life is necessary. Be it in investing in the stock market, driving a car on the road, taking your regular medications, or getting married to a woman you love. The safest way to keep your money… Continue Reading

When can I retire?

the math behind retirement

When can I retire? We all work days in and out without knowing exactly when it will end. Sometimes I am wondering is there any light at the end of the tunnel. When can I quit my 9-5 job one day? ( Actually, my job is 0-0 round the clock,… Continue Reading

Three Bucket Retirement Strategy

three bucket retirement strategy

Finally, you are retired and you are planning to withdraw 4% from your portfolio every year according to plan. To make our retirement plan a 101%-sure success rate, you need a three-bucket strategy in place! The Trinity Study has shown that everything is going to be fine if I hold… Continue Reading

Why you shouldn’t buy individual stock

Some of my blog readers are die-hard individual stock investors. Their argument is simple, ” I own 30 stocks in Malaysia, Singapore, and the States, I am diversified enough! Why shouldn’t I buy individual stock?” You can’t pick winning stock always! Picking a winning stock is possible occasionally but almost… Continue Reading

How to get rich in Malaysia and Singapore?

How to get rich?

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” —Dave Ramsey OK, if you want to get rich in Malaysia and Singapore, a lot of us believe that, you need to know ‘who’ in Malaysia and know ‘how’ in Singapore. Knowing ‘who’ is… Continue Reading

Singapore REITs Investing

Singapore REITs

Singapore REITs investing should be an easy task for me! I had experience in buying Malaysian REITs before. I made some handsome profits in investing CMMT (CapitaMall Malaysia Trust) IPO back in 2010. Why Singapore Reits? I decided to sell most of my properties in 2016-2019 and invested in Singapore… Continue Reading

Let Start A Business

Let start a business

Everyone want to get rich fast! I once believed “You make a lot of money by starting a successful business.” I wanted to start a business to make more money even though I was still working as a medical officer in government hospital. Starting my first business! My first venture… Continue Reading

Top 25 Malaysia Investment Blog

Top investment blog in Malaysia

I am honored to be told by Feedspot that my blog was recently listed as one of the 25 top investment blogs in Malaysia. “One of the top investment blogs in Malaysia”, that is a big bonus for me. This blog was started one month ago.I was looking for something… Continue Reading

What is your Retirement Number?

Your retirement number

I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday. So you are thinking of retirement? What is your retirement number?Everyone loves to retire as soon as possible no matter how young you are. I enjoy the freedom of time and go shopping while everyone else is… Continue Reading

My USD Index Fund Portfolio

Vanguard index fund portfolio

“Know what you own, and know why you own it.” â€” Peter Lynch Investing can be a pretty lonely journey. You listen to rumor all the times. People are predicting the direction of the market. Some black swan events happen occasionally. You can be clueless and lose your concentration. My USD-denominated… Continue Reading