Hi, I am happy you are here. My name is Dr. Goh H, a lot of people always say I am making good progress in my financial status because of my job, but the truth is I am saving more rather than making more.
While I was earning a mere MYR3000 per month back in 2004-2006, I had already purchased five properties by saving almost 50 percent of my income and side hustling. Unfortunately I made a lot of investing mistakes in stock/REIT investment that set me back for many years.
Investing Mistakes Slow you down for FI
I also made a few other mistakes by investing in start-ups and businesses and lost hundreds of thousands dollars.
Property investment was the single most successful thing I did but along the way, I found that managing rental properties is so tedious and complex especially for a practicing physician like me.
I decided to venture into REITs investment back in 2017 because of my passion for brick and mortar
For the past few months, I have been re-thinking how shall I progress and propel my investment to another level. I have saved enough for myself and my wife.
The only thing that worries us always is my kids’ education fund and depreciating value of our Malaysian currency ( Ringgit).
I started to invest in index fund about 6 months ago and it is simple and straightforward!
I am currently holding three separate portfolios- USD, MYR and SGD-denominated portfolios.
Only way to get rich- save and invest!
I still think the ONLY WAY to be financially independent is by saving more money rather than earning more money. And of course, avoid making too many investing mistakes along the way.
I hope that by reading this blog, you would not repeat the same mistakes I did. Huge amount of money was wasted by making these mistakes.
I have separated out my blogs according to different categories, if you are only interested in investment, please go and look at this category. Sometimes I share my patients’ stories because it provides me some understandings to be a better human being.
I write some medical stuff/information and I group that under the health category. It is useful if you want to learn about some common diseases especially kidney diseases and life of a doctor in Malaysia.
If I calculate using the 4 % rule ( 25 times of your annual expenditure), my saving and investment portfolio can last me and my wife for many years. I and my wife
You can start reading my first post HERE!
So welcome! I’m glad you’re here, and let’s get started. For the long-time readers – keep it up and send me your thoughts!
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