How to avoid a scam like my first investment scam?

investment scam and Macau scam

“Show me a universal life manual and I will show you a ready-made scam.Life is spontaneous. Live and learn.”– Magnus Nwagu Amudi Always remember the number one universal rule for investment- never lose your money! And yes- rule number two- remember rule number one. As I have written in my previous… Continue Reading

Why do I think simplicity is king in investing?

kitten lying on surface

“Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls-Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.” If you are my regular blog reader, you should have known by now I invest regularly in ETFs via Interactive brokers. My investing strategy is simple, I hold… Continue Reading

Why do I think less is more in life?

less is more. Be a minimalist

“We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy.” -Richard Foster Over the years working as a doctor, I realize that the most important commodity in life… Continue Reading

Make money by investing during a bull market

Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. -Jesse Lauriston Livermore Can you make money by investing during a bull market? Yes, of course, you can provided your investment horizon is long term ( at least 3-5 years) and you do not invest in individual stocks. Warren… Continue Reading

The big crash is coming, what’s next?

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin There are two types of investors in this world, pessimistic and optimistic investors, no matter which type of investor you belong to, we all know the market is volatile. Experts anticipate another big crash is coming. As investors, we hope to… Continue Reading

Robo-advisor or DIY in Malaysia/Singapore?

robo-advisor or DIY

Robo-advisor or DIY while #investing for long term in Malaysia and Singapore? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages Continue Reading

My First Property

my first property

Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait. – T. Harv Eker I love properties very much. Investing in the property was my only strategy many years ago. Friends around me told me to buy properties. They said the best and easiest way to riches was through… Continue Reading

How to fund IB using MYR?

foreign brokerage account in Malaysia & Singapore

As promised, I would like to share with you about funding your Interactive Brokers (IB) using MYR ( Malaysian Ringgit). If you are a beginner and want to learn about the way of investing in ETFs, I would suggest you read my previous posts on asset allocation and Index Fund… Continue Reading

Why do you need bonds?

why do you need bonds?

Why do you need bonds in your portfolio? Learn about bonds and how does it help you in getting a good night sleep. Continue Reading

How to avoid an investment scam? Stay away from 3 poisons.

how to avoid an investment scam?

“Never trust a person that tries to sell you by how righteous they are. I’m telling your right now, it’s a scam.”― Richie Norton It is a total disaster for any investor to lose their hard-earned money to investment scams. An investment scam can present to you with different faces and… Continue Reading