Freedom, in any case, is only possible by constantly struggling for it.- Albert Einstein

Most Important Thing in Life?
What do you want in life? Money, time, job, health?
I have been looking for answer for years.
I learned something from my Singapore experience!
The very first time I visited Singapore was back in 2000 during my medical school.
I got the chance to visit Singapore again back in 2007 when I joined National University Hospital as a registrar.
I remember vividly the second time when I visited Singapore, I noticed that there were many old Singaporeans who were left by their family members and ended up in the nursing home. Some of them were still working in their 70-80’s.
It is true that Singapore is one of the economic miracles in Asia, managed to turn to first world country from the third in just 30 years. But most Singaporeans have lost what is the most important thing in life- family and time.
Work, Time or Money?
We work hard every day for our family members hoping that they can get all they want in life. I work hard every day because I want to give the most to my wife, my son, and my family members. I always think that money is everything in life.
Back in 2007, I was earning MYR4000 per month as a government servant and I was working so hard at that time. I slept overnight in a 24-hour clinic so often and almost half a month I would be sleeping in a clinic rather at home.
We forget that the most important commodity in life is time. The most powerful thing money can give you is freedom.
Everyone in this planet has limited time and eventually all of us will die one day.
Let Money Works for You!
While working hard to earn our money, we have to think harder about how to make money works for us.
Only financial independence can free you from your rat race. You can spend more time with your family and loved ones.
As for me, I want freedom in my life. I want to FIRE ( financial independent, retire early) so that I can do whatever I want in life. I enjoy my work but I enjoy more spending time with my kids and wife!
That’s why I started investing many years ago.
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