Blood and Sweat Money

When I was young I thought money was the most important thing in life. Now that I’m old–I know it is. ~ Oscar Wilde

I knew during early childhood money was the most precious thing to have in my family. Sometimes we have to sweat and even bleed to earn that extra buck.

I remembered the difficult time my whole family was going through for many years in a very tight budget. My mum literally only spent MYR10 per week for four of us.

When I was 9 or 10 years old, for those who were attending Primary Chinese schools back then in Malaysia/Singapore, we all knew the most popular essay our Chinese class teacher loved to ask us to write was ” 金钱是万能的吗?“ ( literally means ” Is Money all mighty?”)

I was pretty sure that blood and sweat money (血汗钱) was everything for my family! The pain of hunger, the insecurity of finding no money left in my mum’s drawer, and the awkwardness of being the only one unable to pay nominal school fees in the class at that time were my childhood nightmares!

Is Money all mighty?

My Chinese teacher liked to remind us that money, no matter how powerful it was, it couldn’t buy you the two most important things in life- Your Health and Your Time /Life!

When I grew older, I started to realize how average people are willing to trade their life/time to get more money. They became slaves to money and wasted their finite time in this world.

You would be wasting your life and spending your time in exchanging for money if you do not take action NOW!

A lot of people overwork and neglect their health. Patients have turned away from better healthcare due to financial constraints. Families are breaking up because of money AND you name it!

For you to be a healthier person with ample time to spend, you better have money! Money is indefinite but time is NOT. You only live once this lifetime, quickly draw up a plan TODAY! You must master money as soon as possible!

Money is worth sacrificing for! My mum shed sweat, tears, and blood to get money to raise me up.

You need money for almost everything in life! What do you want in life?

Your Money or Your Life?

Vicki Robin’s book ” Your Money or Your Life” completely changed my life and perception towards money.

Your Money or Your Life

Your Money or Your Life is a must read title if you want to learn about money and the four pillars of financial independence.

Go and learn about real hourly wage and start calculate it whenever you want to spend your money buying something!

Is it worthwhile to be trading one hour of your life buying your favourite coffee every morning? Or think about how many hours of your life can be spared by just putting aside your cigarette.

About Goh H

A Malaysian physician who loves to blog about investment, FIRE ( Financial Independence Retire Early), Health, Life, and Medicine.
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