How to buy ETFs from Malaysia and Singapore?

crop ethnic trader with smartphone and laptop on bench indoors

By periodically investing in an index fund, the know-nothing investors can actually outperform most investment professionals.- Warren Buffett Indexing is boring and only for lazy investors, some argue. After making numerous mistakes in the stock market, I decided to do index funds investing. Unfortunately for Malaysians, low-cost index funds are… Continue Reading

You just need to be consistent to be a pro!

You just need to be consistent to be a pro!

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson I used to help my uncle to plant pineapples when I was 11 years old. He paid me MYR 1 (USD 25 cent) weekly to help him on his pineapples… Continue Reading

Why do I think simplicity is king in investing?

kitten lying on surface

“Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls-Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.” If you are my regular blog reader, you should have known by now I invest regularly in ETFs via Interactive brokers. My investing strategy is simple, I hold… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update Dec 20


“The reason that man is seldom satisfied with his salary is that when it increases, he increases his expenses.” Yes, finally the year 2020 came to an end, it was a tough year for many of us. 2020 also provided us a chance for deep reflection what has gone wrong… Continue Reading

Why do I buy more world index fund now?

person with toy airplane on world map

“The desire to perform all the time is usually a barrier to performing over time.” – Robert Olstein As a reader of this blog, you most probably should have known by now, I am a three-portfolio Boglehead index funds investor. There are only three ETFs in my portfolio- VUSD (… Continue Reading

Make money by investing during a bull market

Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. -Jesse Lauriston Livermore Can you make money by investing during a bull market? Yes, of course, you can provided your investment horizon is long term ( at least 3-5 years) and you do not invest in individual stocks. Warren… Continue Reading

Robo-advisor or DIY in Malaysia/Singapore?

robo-advisor or DIY

Robo-advisor or DIY while #investing for long term in Malaysia and Singapore? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages Continue Reading

Why do you need bonds?

why do you need bonds?

Why do you need bonds in your portfolio? Learn about bonds and how does it help you in getting a good night sleep. Continue Reading

Can everyone retire a millionaire?

I want to retire a millionaire

“Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it.”― Jim Rohn I was once asked by a reader through email that since my strategy was so simple, does it mean everyone in this world can retire a millionaire? The answer is… Continue Reading

Investing in ETFs


If you don’t know where you are going, you can be in any way in the end.Set a target and stick to it.- Dr. Goh H Some readers are still not sure how to buy ETFs even though I have been talking for 3 months. The price of VUSD has… Continue Reading