Saving- First step into FIRE

Financial independence in Malaysia and Singapore

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. – Martin Luther King, Jr.   Saving is your first step into Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Saving money is always your first step into Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE). Getting a big fat paycheck does not… Continue Reading

Biggest Mistake in Investing

Biggest mistake in investing

I made a lot of mistakes in my investing journey. The biggest mistake in investing that I made numerous times was buying a very expensive home. Malaysians and Singaporeans alike, and I would say most Asians and even Americans, homeownership is everyone’s dream. Either you are trying to fulfilling your… Continue Reading

Welcome to my blog!

welcome to my blog

Finally, I started my own blog with my own name If you happened to read my old blog which I started many years ago,, I hope you find it comfortable to be here. I was pretty active many years ago in blogging and shared my knowledge about money,… Continue Reading