Monthly Financial Update July 2020

monthly financial update

I have decided not to list down my passive income in this blog due to various reasons. However, I am still very happy to share my expenditure here. Maximizing your income is part and parcel toward financial independence. I am trying to increase my passive income by doing a few… Continue Reading

How much time do I have?


Unfortunately mortality rate is 100% and life prognosis is death. Retire young and enjoy life while you can! How much time do I have? Can life be immortal? Should I be filling up life with working hours, borrow more debt, and buy more stuff? Where does a person go when… Continue Reading

You can’t get rich overnight!

Money and bitcoin

You can’t get rich overnight. Financial independence is a long winding road that needs discipline and patience. Can you get rich overnight? You probably can but the chances are very slim. It is more likely for you to be struck by lightning than getting rich overnight. Almost everyone in this… Continue Reading

Investing in ETFs


If you don’t know where you are going, you can be in any way in the end.Set a target and stick to it.- Dr. Goh H Some readers are still not sure how to buy ETFs even though I have been talking for 3 months. The price of VUSD has… Continue Reading

Invest now or later?

invest now or later?

“Tomorrow is promised to no one. Prioritize today accordingly.”-Gina Greenlee As I am writing this post, the S&P 500 has rebounded almost back to the pre-pandemic crisis level. S&P 500 is currently trading at 3215 as a contrast to the trough level of 2237 on 27 March 2020. A lot… Continue Reading

Your Money or Your Life?

your money or your life

If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need!-Warren Buffet There were a few books that I enjoyed very much during Malaysian MCO ( movement control order) 2 months ago. One of these was ” Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki… Continue Reading

How to save for child’s education fund?

child education fund

How to save for child’s education fund while investing for your own retirement? Child’s education fund- a big headache for every parent especially you live in Malaysia! Having two young children whom I hope to send overseas seems to be a difficult task for an ordinary working Malaysian. It is… Continue Reading

What is an ETF?


“In the ETF world, you can be in any sector at any point. You can now invest more like institutions. Prior to this big explosion, retail investors couldn’t invest that way.” – Nadav Baum We have been talking about ETFs and index funds for a while and some of my readers… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update- June 2020

monthly financial update

Life just came back to usual in June 2020. Malaysia started its RMCO ( Recovery Movement Control Order) from 10 June 2020 and economic activities are slowly coming back. Hospital activities started to pick up and my clinic patient load was still about 50-60% of the usual. Thankfully, I was… Continue Reading

Risks in the stock market

risks in the stock market

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” Warren Buffet Taking risks in life is necessary. Be it in investing in the stock market, driving a car on the road, taking your regular medications, or getting married to a woman you love. The safest way to keep your money… Continue Reading