“Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage.” —Thomas J. Stanley
If you happen to attend any investment/ property seminar and the speaker promises that he would make you a millionaire. Think again! If he/she promises you can be a fast millionaire with minimal money or even no money down, Think again. You might want to turn to another direction and RUN!
I remembered when I was very young. A very nice, handsome and soft spoken gentleman appeared in front of my house. He was promoting some kind of super pressure cooker.
He was demonstrating how good the cooker was. The cooker was so powerful and all kinds of dishes could be prepared in seconds!
We were so impressed by the product! The price was certainly out of reach for my family. A whooping MYR900 per piece! That equaled my mum’s whole month earning.
And guess what? The gentleman told us we were lucky! It was his company anniversary sale and they were giving away free coupons for prospective customers! My mum and I were so happy and thankful . Tears raced down her cheek and we thought that day was the luckiest day in our lives!
Help Yourself to be a Millionaire!
He passed us a scratching coupon and we won! Even though we never won anything in our whole F- lives by doing nothing! We won a cash rebate of MYR200! YES- an extra bonus, a FREE item- a table fan TOTALLY FREE of charge!
My mum paid that gentleman MYR700. The amount of money that could have fed us for two months. You know how the story ends after this!
Both items broke down after 1 month! The nice and soft-spoken gentleman was no where to be seen forever.
If you think anything – being investment, money, a product that is too good to be true, IT IS MOST PROBABLY ( 99.9%) NOT TRUE!!
If you want to become a millionaire, you have to learn the hard way and help yourself. Jim Rohn once said, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
No one will teach you how to be rich, you need to self educate yourself and think in the long term! You Need A Plan!
Hi Doctor Goh nice to read first time a doctor blog from malaysia, keep it up and happy working !
Dear Lynn,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I notice there are a lot of public misconception about doctors, our works and fees. We are just working as hard like others to earn a living and we ourselves get sick, depressed, tired, helpless and clueless about investment. We got cheated by scams as well. Some of us stay broke after 65 years old even though we actually make more money than average.
I hope my blog can help fellow doctors, Malaysians and Singaporeans to achieve financial independence , staying healthy and wealthy!
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