Why can’t we make enough money?

why can't we make enough money?

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit-George Carlin According to Greek mythology, Sisyphus, a king in Corinth, was punished by Death due to his deceitfulness to push an immense boulder up on a steep hill. He found the… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update Jan 21


“I have an income nearly sufficient for my wants (no one’s income is ever quite sufficient, you know).”-Anthony Hope Yes, I am saving as usual to achieve my financial independence but the month of January is always depressing because I don’t get any dividend from any of Malaysian or Singaporean… Continue Reading

You just need to be consistent to be a pro!

You just need to be consistent to be a pro!

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson I used to help my uncle to plant pineapples when I was 11 years old. He paid me MYR 1 (USD 25 cent) weekly to help him on his pineapples… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update October 2020


“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”Seneca The year 2020 almost comes to an end and I have been reading many books about life and investment for the last 6 months. The last 6 months were the most incredible… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update September 2020

OK, I made some changes in September 2020, I have switched the mobile package from Maxis to U-mobile. Yes, I finally gave up on Maxis after 25 years. By switching, I save about MYR 50 per month, that translates to MYR600 per year. So far I have no complaint about… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update August 2020

Yes, I am still saving as usual towards my financial independence. People hate saving! We were born and taught in school to consume and buy stuff to satisfy our desires. ‘Work like a doctor and live like a monk!’ is my motto! I work hard and I have very few… Continue Reading

Earning extra money

earning extra money

The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing! With ever-increasing stresses at work and dissatisfaction and burnout over long hours, it is not surprising that more and more physicians are quitting medicine. Making money from practicing medicine is hard. As a doctor, you shouldn’t give up the… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update July 2020

monthly financial update

I have decided not to list down my passive income in this blog due to various reasons. However, I am still very happy to share my expenditure here. Maximizing your income is part and parcel toward financial independence. I am trying to increase my passive income by doing a few… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update- June 2020

monthly financial update

Life just came back to usual in June 2020. Malaysia started its RMCO ( Recovery Movement Control Order) from 10 June 2020 and economic activities are slowly coming back. Hospital activities started to pick up and my clinic patient load was still about 50-60% of the usual. Thankfully, I was… Continue Reading

Risks in the stock market

risks in the stock market

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” Warren Buffet Taking risks in life is necessary. Be it in investing in the stock market, driving a car on the road, taking your regular medications, or getting married to a woman you love. The safest way to keep your money… Continue Reading