“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
One of my readers was asking me whether it was true that I managed to buy so many properties? The fact being I was still working as a government servant and earning peanut?
The pay I was getting was about MYR3000-4000 per month. It was F- insane to save so much money?
You Can Side Hustle and Save!
There are so many ways a doctor can side hustle. We all remembered the days of doing locums like 15 days a month! Sleeping overnight in the GP clinics almost every other day, and spending the remaining half a month doing on calls in the hospital was a norm!
I was paid about MYR30-35 per hour working as a locum doctor in a GP clinic. I always managed to save all my take-home salary and only spent my side hustling money.
Having worked so hard, I remembered borrowing money from my wife back in 2005 to sit for my postgraduate ( MRCP) exam in the UK.
The exchange rate of 1 pound to MYR7 back then almost got me giving up my hope to be a specialist! How weak MYR was back then! That was the year I remembered forever!
Earning money in your home currency alone is not good enough
Creating A Website That Sells
I started PassPACES.com in 2005 to help fellow doctors to pass their MRCP PACES examination. The day I made USD100 from my site by putting AdSense advertisement on my website was a memorable one.
I made almost MYR30k the very first year after launching my ebook in PassPACES.com. All the side hustling money was saved and invested in property purchase!
Besides saving 50-80% of your income, try side hustling to maximize your income. You need to get more money to invest! You have to earn and save more to reach your financial independence.
I only gave up my side hustling jobs after joining private practice. Life was hectic for the first few years in private practice.
There are very creative ways to just earn that extra few bucks. I had tried selling second-hand items online (
You just need to be creative to make some extra money!
Start to be creative to see what can you do to earn that extra 100-200 bucks. There are >100 ways to get your first side income!
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