Journey to Financial Independence in Malaysia
Finally, I started my own blog with my own name If you happened to read my old blog which I started many years ago,, I hope you find it comfortable to be here.
I was pretty active many years ago in blogging and shared my knowledge about money, investment and life.
Saving is more powerful than earning
The very first thing I learned about my investment/money during my childhood- you have to save most what you earn and invest the rest to be
I came from a very poor family, my father passed away before I was born in a road traffic accident. My mum was a seamstress who used to earn about MYR10-30 per day ( about USD 2.4 to 8 ) back in late 1970s and 1980s.
I always wanted to help my mum.I started to work as a part-time under-aged worker when I was 11 years old. I remembered I was earning about MYR2 per day back then.
Side Hustling whenever possible
I started the habit of doing a part-time job (side hustling) whenever possible. After high school, while waiting for my SPM ( O level) results, I worked as an assembly line worker in a factory. I was paid about MYR500 per month.
I entered medical school back in 1996 and never asked a single cent from my mum to continue my study. Back then the tuition fee for a medical degree in the University of Malaya was about MYR2000 per year.
I got a partial scholarship ( Kuok Foundation) ( MYR7000 per year) which I have to pay back half after graduation. I worked as a part-time teacher during my first and second-year medical school semester break.
Saving is the most powerful financial tool everyone should have. You might not have the ability to earn MYR 150k or MYR 200k per month like doctors or lawyers, but everyone is able to save IF THEY WANT TO.
Good Work! Thank you
Interesting website!
May I find out for you which platform is the best for equity investment in US?
Thanks in advance.
Dear Eng Khim,
Happy to see you here. I started investing in US stock back in 2008-2009. The very first stock I bought was Citibank. I used local brokerage account- Affin Hwang but the fee was ridiculously high. Good thing about Affin-Hwang was there was no custodian fee.Besides that, Affin Hwang charges you every time there is any corporate actions such as dividend payment or script dividend.
A few years back, I started to use DBS Treasures ( or DBS Vickers) to buy US stock. It charges minimal fee of USD18 or 0.15% whichever higher. The problem of owning US stock using DBS Treasures is the custodian fee of SGD100 ( minimal or 0.2% of your portfolio) every 6 month.
Now, I am very happy to use Interactive Brokers which has a very good rate of USD1 ( minimum) per transaction!