“We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy.” -Richard Foster
Over the years working as a doctor, I realize that the most important commodity in life is time. Looking around me at how my friends and colleagues spend their money to build their dream lifestyle, I find that the pursuit of materialism actually does not add happiness to their lives.
“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.”
-Jackie French Koller
Less is more
I am often asked the question,” Don’t you think you are ill-treating yourself by owning so little stuff since you work so hard?”

Yes, minimalism is a choice and that choice gives me a lot of freedom. I believe people must start to separate “happiness” from “spending money and buying stuff” and understand that there is more than stuff and money in life.
When you start to appreciate the importance of time and freedom in life, you will only hold on to things you need and let go of stuff you want. People want a lot of things in life but we only need just a few things. Wanting less in life is the quickest way for you to embark on a journey of betterment in life.
Your lifestyle will be less expensive
The intention of living in simplicity gives me that choice, my lifestyle can be easily maintained even my income drops more than 60% overnight. I am no more delusional about ‘more money’ equals ‘more happiness’. My life becomes simple and easy, my lifestyle will be less expensive and I become wealthier in a quicker way.
I spend more time in life pursuing other things rather than ‘burying my head’ in the sea of consumerism. By living a less “manic-and-above-extravagant’ lifestyle, you know you are no longer a money slave who trades away life-hours in exchange for money to satisfy your never-ending desire to own stuff.
You slow down your pace in life
We live in a manic world that idolizes wealthy people and celebrities who spend tons of money. We are bombarded with thousands of advertisements daily that brainwash our minds that stuff equals happiness and fulfillment in life.
” Life is as easy as it gets, when you grow old, you actually do not bother anymore what type of watch you are wearing and what type of car you are driving! What you are more concerned about is how much time you have !”
Our daily lives are like turbo-charged cars racing on the street. People around the world are just too stressed and too rushed to think of ways to make more money. Yes, we have to make more money to buy similar stuff that is owned by our neighbours, friends, and colleagues.
Becoming a minimalist slows down my pace in work. I stop buying stuff to impress people whom I do not even like.
I care more about experiences and things that matter to life now. Why bother to impress strangers by owning more stuff and shackled yourself to an endless vicious cycle of the rat race?
It is certainly achievable to become a minimalist. Owning less stuff actually makes you live a life in abundance. It gives you more free time and frees up more money than ever before.
Start living a life with things you need rather than the things you want. It is a journey of intentional self-improvement and choice. Be a money master rather than a slave. Trust me, a finite time is the most important commodity in your life.
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