Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit-George Carlin
According to Greek mythology, Sisyphus, a king in Corinth, was punished by Death due to his deceitfulness to push an immense boulder up on a steep hill. He found the rock kept rolling back on nearing the top no matter how hard he tried.

He has been known for pushing the boulder tirelessly till eternity.
Back to the present time, we are like Sisyphus, no matter how much we make every month, we are still one inch away from reaching the amount of money we are happy with.
We are brainwashed to spend
There are various reasons we just couldn’t make enough money every month, no matter how much we earn.
Yes, we are taught and brainwashed to spend money first before we even earn.
We used to see advertisements on TV and in newspapers 20 years ago. Now, these advertisements are everywhere you can imagine- handphones, social media, computers, roadsides, and hospitals.
They have infiltrated public and private spaces. Not many are aware of the unimaginable and convincing ways in which these ads act on our subconscious minds. They subtly brainwash us that we have to buy and spend every day!
Advertisements plant in our heads the idea of consumerism. We slowly believe the idea of ‘stuff’ equals ‘ happiness’! Right from a young age our minds are exposed to such ‘artful deception’.
We are taught to upgrade our lifestyle
Adults often justify spending with statements like, “I work hard — I deserve this,” or “Since I make more money now, I need to upgrade!”
Unfortunately when we talk about upgrading lifestyle, things concern us the most are ‘bigger house’, ‘bigger car’ and ‘ more expensive clothes and watches’.
Upgrading your lifestyle doesn’t necessarily need money. You can upgrade your life by just changing your habits.
As Maya Angelou said, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do ,and liking how you do it.” Read about these 8 habits that will upgrade your life.
It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits!
Charles A. Jaffe
We think spending more money is a reward
Another reason that makes the rock rolling back nearing the top is our spending habit.
We believe spending more money is the best way to reward ourselves. Unfortunately studies show otherwise. For example, we feel good after buying a new car, but the excitement and euphoria is short term. It doesn’t take long before the high feeling normalizes.
This is known as the “hedonic treadmill.” When we spend money on stuff, its magic quickly dissipates.
Buying a bigger car might make you manic and high for days, but it doesn’t take long before that new car is, well…just another car.
I call this “materialism orgasm’, it rarely produce a lasting effect like what you have on bed!
“Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
For you to avoid ending your life like Sisyphus, you just need to be careful when you make more money. Never try to spend more and upgrade too soon when you earn extra.
Debt is the number one enemy for you to build wealth. Making enough money is not a Sisyphean task after all if you change your spending habit!
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