My new book is available on Amazon

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”- Toni Morrison

The years have flown by in a blur, and it seems like just yesterday that I was holding my eldest son in my arms for the first time. Now, he is on the cusp of adulthood, preparing to embark on a new chapter in his life at university.

As a dedicated parent, I have worked tirelessly for the past 23 years to provide the best possible future for my children.  I have made countless sacrifices, long hours and missed opportunities, always with the hope that my hard work would pay off in the end.

As I approach my 50th birthday next year, I had envisioned a new phase of life, a time for partial retirement and newfound freedom. I longed to travel, pursue hobbies, and spend more time with my loved ones.

However, fate had a different plan in store for me. A recent diagnosis of a chronic illness in my mother has cast a dark shadow over our family. The illness is likely to put a significant strain on our lifelong savings and force me to make some difficult choices.

It is a bitter pill to swallow, but I know that my family’s well-being must come first. I will have to adjust my plans for partial retirement and consider ways to continue providing financial support to my mother while still being there for my sons and the rest of my family.

 As I navigate this new and challenging phase of my life, I hope to find a balance between work and family, between my personal aspirations and the needs of those I love. It is a tough road ahead, but I am determined to face it with courage and resilience. I know that with the love and support of my family, I will find a way to weather this storm and come out stronger on the other side.

My New Book

During a recent short break, I took time to reflect on my experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a healthcare professional, I witnessed both the heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of my patients and colleagues. I realized that these stories held valuable lessons that could inspire and uplift others, so I embarked on a project to compile and share them.

I spent countless hours meticulously rearranging and editing the stories I had shared on Facebook during the pandemic. Each story brought back vivid memories of the resilience, courage, and compassion I witnessed firsthand. I wanted to ensure that these stories were presented in a way that would resonate with readers and leave a lasting impact.

With each story, I carefully crafted the narrative, paying attention to every detail and emotion. I wanted to transport readers into the lives of my patients and share their experiences in a way that would evoke empathy and understanding. I also included my own personal reflections, hoping to provide readers with a deeper connection to the stories.

As I worked on the ebook, I was reminded of the profound impact that these stories had on me. They taught me the importance of staying hopeful even in the face of adversity, the power of human connection, and the significance of making a difference in the lives of others. I wanted to share these lessons with my readers, hoping that they would inspire readers to cultivate a more compassionate and resilient mindset.

With great care and consideration, I finally published my ebook on Amazon. It was a moment of immense pride and gratitude. I was filled with a sense of purpose, knowing that my stories had the potential to touch the lives of many. I eagerly anticipated feedback from readers, hoping that they would find comfort, inspiration, and a renewed sense of hope within the pages of my ebook.

I was humbled by the positive response and realized that my goal of inspiring others had been achieved. The stories had transcended the boundaries of my Facebook posts and had become a source of strength and encouragement for readers.

Through this experience, I discovered the transformative power of sharing personal narratives. By opening up about my experiences and those of my patients, I created a space for healing, reflection, and connection. It also reinforced my belief in the importance of human connection and the need to support one another during difficult times.

As I continue my journey as a healthcare professional, I remain committed to sharing stories that matter. I believe that by sharing our experiences, we can create a more compassionate and understanding world, one story at a time.

You can read a few pages of my book HERE. Kindly give me a review on Amazon.

About Goh H

A Malaysian physician who loves to blog about investment, FIRE ( Financial Independence Retire Early), Health, Life, and Medicine.
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