Hi, I am thrilled you want to connect. I love connecting with others over social media.
For medical advice, I would prefer you to come physically to the hospital to consult me.
There are a few ways to stay connected with me,

Please click on t.me/drgohhk to follow telegram update of this blog. I have a separate telegram group t.me/gohhk for patients who want to know about my clinic schedule, leaves and health tips!
For Malaysian doctors who are DOBBS members, please go to DOBBS to join the telegram group.

Join my Facebook group to get regular updates on my blog and connect with other fellow Malaysians and Singaporeans who want to FIRE! I welcome all suggestions and articles on my Facebook group. Please like my Facebook page and post your articles and thoughts on the Facebook page.

If you would like to know my random thoughts about anything- being investment, FIRE, money, stock, medicine, and life, follow me at my Twitter account.
I twit about 2-3 times per day.

I post some of my daily life photos here-whether my pet, little garden at my backyard, weekend outings with my kids etc. You get to know me more personally via my Instagram account. Join me at my Instagram here.

Join my Tumblr update here. I update regularly my Tumblr once my latest post is written in my blog.
Follow my tumblr account to know about me.
Whatever social media you choose to follow me, you would get the update once my new post is written. You can choose to follow me via email below
Thank you for joining me via my social media platforms.