“Those of you who make investments outside of any retirement accounts are absolutely crazy if you are using actively managed funds rather than ETFs.” – Suze Orman
I was once a strong believer of property investment.
I was once believed with my heart that I could time the market and pick winning stocks consistently.
I was once thought I could retire if I worked hard and kept cash in the bank.
Not until I learn about ETFs then I realize wealth can be easily created if you have the patience and the correct strategy.
My First Investment Book
Don’t listen to financial experts again.

Don’t waste your time reading financial news again. You are no longer have to time the market.
Stop paying membership fee to get tips on which stock to buy again. You can do it yourself (DIY) after reading this book.
I have created a practical guide to help fellow Asians to invest in index funds/ETFs.
You will learn everything you need to know to be a successful ETFs investor. The book has 9 chapters to help you from scratch to be a pro in ETFs investment.
Start investing today for your retirement tomorrow.
Content of the Book
This book is my understanding of financial independence and ETFs investing distilled in only 110 pages.
With this book, I’m going to show you the steps I’m taking to achieve my financial goals!
📕 After you’ve read this book you’ll be able to:
• reach financial independence in 5-10 years
• understand the basics of index funds/ETFs
• calculate your retirement number
• see the reasons why you need to invest to achieve financial independence
• how to fund your brokerage account from your home country
• invest in index funds/ETFs yourself
• understand the concept of asset allocation
• understand why actively managed funds/ unit trusts almost never beat index funds
• utilize three bucket strategy
• post retirement withdrawal strategy
• understand why index funds are the best solution for most investors like you and me
👍 Who is this book for?
People who want to quit their 9-5 job within 5-10 years and learn about the importance of investment
You won’t need to be a high-income earner to take full advantage of this wise investing strategy
Asians who want to learn to invest their money in a better way
People who want to learn index fund investing 101
👎 Who should not buy this book?
People that are looking for a get-rich stock pick
Lazy people who are impatient to wait for at least 5-10 years to see wonder of compound interest.
You can buy the book TODAY at USD19.99, use the discount code : blogreader to get USD 5 discount ( for first 20 copies )
Buy My Book NOW!!