You can’t get rich overnight!

Money and bitcoin

You can’t get rich overnight. Financial independence is a long winding road that needs discipline and patience. Can you get rich overnight? You probably can but the chances are very slim. It is more likely for you to be struck by lightning than getting rich overnight. Almost everyone in this… Continue Reading

Your Money or Your Life?

your money or your life

If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need!-Warren Buffet There were a few books that I enjoyed very much during Malaysian MCO ( movement control order) 2 months ago. One of these was ” Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki… Continue Reading

When can I retire?

the math behind retirement

When can I retire? We all work days in and out without knowing exactly when it will end. Sometimes I am wondering is there any light at the end of the tunnel. When can I quit my 9-5 job one day? ( Actually, my job is 0-0 round the clock,… Continue Reading

Three Bucket Retirement Strategy

three bucket retirement strategy

Finally, you are retired and you are planning to withdraw 4% from your portfolio every year according to plan. To make our retirement plan a 101%-sure success rate, you need a three-bucket strategy in place! The Trinity Study has shown that everything is going to be fine if I hold… Continue Reading

Why you shouldn’t buy individual stock

Some of my blog readers are die-hard individual stock investors. Their argument is simple, ” I own 30 stocks in Malaysia, Singapore, and the States, I am diversified enough! Why shouldn’t I buy individual stock?” You can’t pick winning stock always! Picking a winning stock is possible occasionally but almost… Continue Reading

Monthly Financial Update- May 2020

monthly financial update

I decided to put up my monthly financial update (expenditure and passive income) in this blog. Updating my monthly financial regularly here helps me to streamline my expenditure and of course reminds me how to be frugal. Saving 70-80% of my income is my monthly target and I invest almost… Continue Reading

What is your Retirement Number?

Your retirement number

I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday. So you are thinking of retirement? What is your retirement number?Everyone loves to retire as soon as possible no matter how young you are. I enjoy the freedom of time and go shopping while everyone else is… Continue Reading

My USD Index Fund Portfolio

Vanguard index fund portfolio

“Know what you own, and know why you own it.” — Peter Lynch Investing can be a pretty lonely journey. You listen to rumor all the times. People are predicting the direction of the market. Some black swan events happen occasionally. You can be clueless and lose your concentration. My USD-denominated… Continue Reading

Index Funds Investing Made Easy

index funds investing made easy

Index Funds/ETFs investing is pretty easy and straightforward. Many investors do not get the expected returns due to various reasons. The most important one would be trading their ETFs/Index funds rather than holding them long term. There are two groups of people who made the most money in ETFs and… Continue Reading

Asset Allocation

asset allocation

How to allocate your asset for the best return in the market? This post will guide you step by step on how to allocate your asset so that you would win the race of investing in the long run. Asset Allocation for Malaysians/Singaporeans As for Malaysians, there are a few… Continue Reading