Hi, my name is Dr. Goh H. I graduated in 2001 after 5 years of medical school from the University of Malaya and worked as a government servant from 2001 until 2011.
I passed my postgraduate exam MRCP in 2005 and spent 5 years doing my post-graduate training.
I am a certified physician in Malaysia.
My starting pay was about MYR1800 ( about USD400) back in 2001. When I resigned from government service, my pay was around MYR 9000+ ( USD 2200).
During my entire training in government hospitals, I managed to accumulate 50 percent of my saving and bought 7 properties in Malaysia. I did a lot of side hustling including starting a medical site PassPACES.com , selling e-books in my site, joining affiliate, and investing.
The most important commodity in life- Time!
In 2012, I decided to join a private practice. My life was ravaged with stress and deprivation of sleep. I enjoyed my work but started to realize the most important commodity in human life is time.
Working days and nights,24/7 and 365 days make me realize how important freedom is. During the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, I finally managed to have more times with my family and kids.
I made a lot of mistakes in my early investing journey. I am worried about my kids’ education fund and our currency.
This blog is based on my real FIRE ( Financial Independence, Retire Early) and life journey. Real investing mistakes I made along the journey and life stories of mine would be shared here.
I noticed that a lot of Malaysians/Singaporeans are either broke and not ready for retirement even when they are 65 years old.
Malaysians and Singaporeans make a lot of investing mistakes like me. We once believed we could choose the right stock and time the market.
Index Fund investing is the answer!
It is a myth that you can time the market and always pick the winning stock. It is time to believe in index fund investing and I hope you will be retiring soon if YOU START TODAY!
About health and life, I learned a lot from my patients. The stories they shared with me and I witnessed made me a better doctor and person.
I hope you enjoy my life and investing stories. Hopefully you can become a better person and investor by reading this blog!
My FIRE date
I have decided to retire on the day of my 50th birthday , a countdown clock has been set at the side bar of this blog.
This clock keeps a record of my desired FIRE date but I hope to do it earlier than the expected date.
I might reach my goal earlier and you too can set your FIRE date today
Happy investing and good luck!
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Good Afternoon, Dr Goh, read some of your interesting articles and would like to suggest some ideas to improve everyone’s ideas of retirement. Yes, finance is important when u retired but the most important wealth is your health! I m at 64 years now but I have seen too many people retirement laden with sickness and also financially drained. Health must be the No. 1 priority for all to ensure that when u retire, u can enjoy the quality lifestyle without pain, suffering and dependent on family members to take care of you. Otherwise you end up in the nursing home or retirement centre. Preventive or pro active health awareness is lacking and this put alot of stress to the medical professionals. Most people doesn’t know how to even take good care of themselves with their daily food intake and the exercise needed but indulge with bad habits such as smoking and alcohol intake. Their usual answers is they are covered with insurance and the doctors can assist them in times of need. So long as whatever the doctors prescribed they will follow. That is why the hospital both government and private are daily packed with patients. This is good for the economy for both the government and the medical industry. There is no awareness creation for preventive Medicine. Hope you could provide your views on this. Thank you and have a lovely day.
Dear Mr Loong,
Thank you for your comment! You are absolutely right. Curative/intervention medicine seems to be more popular than preventive medicine. People tend to neglect their health until the very end and eventually spend most of their hard earned money in healthcare. I am equally concerned about this. Just be reassured that my blog is about FIRE, Wealth and Health, I will talk about health topics too soon.
Glad to stumble upon a fellow JS alumni who’s also on the FIRE journey! Indeed, time is our most important asset and I appreciate time even more as I get older. Spending 40 years of our finite life working hard to enjoy the last 13 years (that’s if your health doesn’t give up on you), this equation doesn’t make much sense. I’m sure you can relate to this “Lifetime Table”. Good luck on your FI journey!
Dear Khai Shing,
Sorry, your comment was flagged as spam in my blog and took me more than 1 week to answer you. Happy to see a Jit Sin alumni here. Great to hear you are doing the same in the States and best wishes to you!
Thank you doctor for your response in this matter. Based on the above, I have decided to start an awareness website with the aims of providing healthy self education to people who need to do proactive prevention or early stage illness that is reversible. With this in mind, we will be working with various institutions and individual such as nutritionist, doctors and pharmacist to provide support both in advisory and materials resources. Overall we can also conduct studies to see the success rate of the program in attaining preventative Medicine.
Dear Mr Loong,
I am going to talk about ” 4 evils to face when you are old!” for my next post. It is scheduled to be online this Thursday, please read about this post on how to stay healthy and wealthy!
I believe that index fund is the best way to go when it comes to traditional finance market!